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Gary Webber



Gary was a practising barrister for 22 years specialising in property law. Since 2003 he has practised as a mediator specialising in property mediation. For many years he ran training courses in various areas of property law. He is the author of Business Premises: Possession and Lease Renewal, 4ed (Sweet & Maxwell) and co-author of Residential Possession Proceedings, 10ed (Sweet & Maxwell). Gary maintains and is the general editor of the property law website at and is on the editorial board of the White Book. He is an associate member of Tanfield Chambers and sits as a Deputy District Judge.


Gary Webber is a highly experienced full-time mediator trained both in civil and family mediation. He qualified as a barrister in 1979 and has been mediating since 2003.  He is a founder member of The Property Mediators and deals mainly with cases that involve a property.

Gary has extensive experience, both as a barrister and as a mediator, in:

  • Landlord and tenant disputes (commercial and residential)

  • Disputes involving boundaries, rights of way and other easements

  • Conveyancing and misrepresentation claims

  • Restrictive covenants

  • Property joint ventures

  • Co-ownership

  • Property related negligence claims and other areas of property law.


Gary also has a great deal of experience in family disputes having mediated many cases between parents and children, siblings, separating couples and divorcing partners. Much of this work has related to the dissolution of family businesses, co-ownership, inheritance and administration of estates.



Gary lives in Bristol and mediates primarily in London, the South West, the Midlands and Wales.   



Gary’s style is relaxed, friendly and empathic. He calms things down and listens carefully so as to understand what the parties really want and need. He focuses on solutions and steers the parties in that direction from an early stage in the mediation. He is exceedingly patient but will speak plainly when required. His background in property law allows him quickly to grasp any technical issues, reality test where necessary, suggest possible solutions and to help with the practical matters that arise during drafting. Except in limited circumstances he is not the sort of mediator who goes on late into the night.



Gary Webber is trained both as a commercial and civil mediator and as a family mediator. He was accredited as a mediator by the ADR Group in 2003 and has a diploma in Group facilitation, Conflict Resolution and Counselling Skills. He continually seeks to develop his skills and bring these experiences to his mediations.  He is registered as a mediator with the Civil Mediation Council.



“Gary's preparation was meticulous, he understood both parties positions and was able to call on this knowledge seamlessly throughout. After a lot of progress was made early in the day, and deadlock was inevitably reached, Gary was very proactive and positive; the flipchart would be a constant reminder of what had already been achieved and how much both parties were compromising.”

Warren Reid, Thrings


“Gary demonstrated enormous ability to deal with very difficult individuals positively, focussed relentlessly on moving towards chinks of light for a solution and combined highest level EQ and IQ in mediating”

A party


“My client was very impressed with the way in which Mr Webber handled what was a very emotional situation for her. He brought a real calm to what had been a long running and acrimonious dispute. Mr Webber is a first class mediator.”

Samuel Waritay, barrister


“My clients and I were delighted with the sensitive but businesslike way you dealt with the mediation, grasping the important key points at an early stage and maintaining pace and progress throughout, towards the eventual (seemingly inevitable) development of a mutually acceptable settlement” James Taylor, Wards

Association of South West Mediators
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ASWM is a member of the Civil Mediation Council and is registered as a provider of Civil and Commercial mediation as well as Workplace mediation

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